Kim foundation

Kim foundation

The mission of our projects is to inspire individuals, families, communities and organizations within Tanzania by providing means to self-sufficiency through education, healthcare and sports wellness. We have found that our unique combination of adventure travel and global outreach allows us to share with Americans the remarkable beauty of Tanzania and its people, create impactful lifelong memories and leave the country better because we were there. Individual and community outreach is imbedded within our DNA. We generously invest in the most vulnerable individuals within the Tanzanian communities…women, infants and children; and the elderly, handicapped, dis-formed and diseased. We concentrate on education, healthcare/wellness and employment concerns. The results are transforming not only to those whom we help but to those who join us in making these projects come to life.

Who we are

Kim Foundation is a volunteer organization based in Arusha Tanzania, aiming to bring people together to help disadvantaged people in the local community find better opportunities. Through working together in social projects, the aim is to uplift impoverished parts of the community through meaningful projects and share the beautiful culture of Tanzania through meaningful travel.


What we do

Kim Foundation place motivated and enthusiastic volunteers from different parts of the world in projects that they are most passionate about. We are excited to introduce our vibrant and diverse culture to people from across the world. 


Our Projects

Most of Kim Foundation's projects are placed in and around Tanzania.


Our Mission

Our vision is to bring people from different cultures together with the aim to uplift less fortunate people within out community. We want to show the power of diversity, sharing and caring for one another can make a big difference in people's lives.


Who we look for

We are open to all types of volunteers to simply bring their passion for making a difference, enthusiasm for travel and open minded attitude to work on our projects. Everyone, whether they have specific skill or not, has something to contribute.


Why Kim Foundation

With huge amount of travel and volunteer organization experience, Kim Foundation is run by people who know and care about community projects and meaningful travel. Our founding director has 10+ years in safari, tourism and climbing experience and has many years working with volunteers in Arusha as coordinator. He is welcoming, warm and very proud to share his culture with you."